In ths modern day twenty first century adaptation in Nazareth, France, Joseph is an outstanding student and carpenter and the leader of all the guys at college despite interference from Monsieur Herod, the principal and his spoilt daughter and her gang of friends. However, Joseph is to face his greatest challenge yet as student Mary learns she and Joseph are to give birth to the son of God. WIll they survive this challenge and will his friends standby him?
Featuring the songs: "L'Ami De Tout Le Monde", "Dieu Est Avec Vous", "Je Viens de Voir Un Ange" and "C'est Comme Ça".
Written and apapted by Dan T. Woodvine/C.Piechowiak.
Featuring the songs: "L'Ami De Tout Le Monde", "Dieu Est Avec Vous", "Je Viens de Voir Un Ange" and "C'est Comme Ça".
Written and apapted by Dan T. Woodvine/C.Piechowiak.